Before going to Belgium, my only experience in Europe was going to London for about 10 days with one of my brothers back in 2000. So, going to Ghent was a new chance to observe things about Europeans (or, at least inhabitants of Ghent). Since I am a list-oriented person, here's a list of my perceptions:
- Belgian beer is good, much better than what you'll find in the States. And, it's cheap! There are tons of different brews, and they are all delicious. The price is right: 2 to 3 Euros (~2.40-3.60$US) per beer. Trappists, Lambics, Dubbels, Trippels, oh my. I don't even know what some of those terms mean. I do know that I am spoiled by all this beery goodness.
- Bikes everywhere: I didn't get a picture of it, but if went out in front of the train station in Ghent, you would see what seem like thousands of bikes attached to racks and locked to any other immovable object. In fact, here's picture, courtesy of Aga:
Like many cities in Europe (I've heard), Ghent has special lanes on the roads for bikes, and many people use them. They are good riders, too. Weaving through crowds of tourists, and making sudden changes in direction without falling off. - Dogs are different in Ghent: Other students from America noticed this as well, but the dogs were much better behaved in Ghent than in the U.S. While being walked by their owners, they were very calm around people and didn't go crazy sniffing and/or barking at everything that moved. They barely paid attention to you if you passed them on the sidewalk, which leads me to my next observation...
- Dog owners in Ghent don't clean up after their dogs: You know what I'm talking about. I repeatedly saw dogs crapping on roads, sidewalks, and grass without any attempt by their owners to pick up their "deposits". It is quite disgusting, and I'm surprised it is allowed in such a tourist-filled city. My first day in Ghent I stepped in 3 different piles before learning to watch where I walk more closely. Ugh.
Scott! Hope all is well! Yes, Belgium beer is tasty, Mike and I had many in DC last weekend because we were thinking of you!
By Anonymous, at 25 January, 2006 14:32
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