Beautiful Day
The sun came out today and melted off alot of the snow from this morning. It was sunny and warm, so after running some errands I skipped the bus and walked back home. I started doing some research work this afternoon(!!!) and took these pictures out my window around 4pm:
The shadows from the clouds on the sides of the mountains were beautiful, but this size of picture doesn't do them justice. Click on the photos for a larger version!
Have a good day!
Scoot - keep the pictures coming. Glad your taking the time to hit this regularly. Sorry I had to cut this short. I get up early, so if you wanted to IM around noon (your time) I could do that. Lots to talk to you about and don't want to forget.
Remember to get me a beerstein - I'll pay you back.
Anonymous, at 06 March, 2006 23:21
Definitely Brian. Check your e-mail and we'll set up a date this week perhaps....
I'll be searching for a sweet beerstein for you!
ScottyB, at 07 March, 2006 09:34
Scott, one way to get a better picture of landscape is by taking a panoramic picture. If you have just a normal click and shoot style camera, all you do is stand in one spot, take note where markers in the horizon line up in your camera window...then turn slightly...ensure that those markers line up at the same spots vertically in your camera's picture window. Just keep turning and taking snapshots until you have snapped the entire landscape you want to show. The key is just making sure your eye level remains constant and that you get little bits of the previous picture in the next one, allowing for lining up the photos later. Course you could always buy one of those panoramic throw aways too, for just such an occasion.
Anonymous, at 09 March, 2006 16:32
I think a panoramic picture would be awesome, Lori! I'm pretty sure my digital camera has some setting that lets you stitch photos together on the computer, but I've never tried it.
But what I really want to know is how to post the pictures on my blog so that you can click on them and then see larger versions. Other people's blogs have that, so why can't I figure it out? I feel so web-unsavvy.
ScottyB, at 12 March, 2006 08:47
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