Please Let Me Wonder

30 November 2006

nature magazine interview

A few weeks back I was interviewed by a writer for nature magazine. He wanted to know my story of how I ended up back in school after working in industry, and what I was working on for my research. Biorenewable resources are hot right now, so you could say that makes me moderately cool. And now, marginally famous....

Read the article online here.

If you want to print it out and hang on your wall, here's a .pdf version.


  • Congrats Scott, that's really cool! Just imagine how many researchers try to get into Nature and then they come to you for an interview! I'd say you're on the road to stardom!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 05 December, 2006 05:22  

  • Thanks, Barbara. I wasn't sure how the article was going to turn out after the interview. Initially they wanted to talk to my professor but he was too busy, so he passed the interview off to me. But I guess my prof found time to talk to them anyway, so we both got in the article.

    Other than some confusion over what happened to my old job (it didn't go to Canada) the article turned out quite nice.

    By Blogger ScottyB, at 05 December, 2006 18:06  

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