Camera Trix
Videotaping yourself doing something and then reversing it isn't a very complex cinematographic art, but the video below called "Balancing Point" is really well done.
I just love the sounds the rocks make as they are self-assembling. The soundtrack is perfect too.
Hmmmm, not much exciting to report on here. I've been working alot trying to get things done for my professor who likes to remind me how easy it should be for me to finish my thesis, right after he gave me more work to perform for said thesis. I'm trying to stay focused and get it done, but I kinda shot myself in the foot recently (metaphorically of course) when I bought a new video game to play. I am definitely NOT good when it comes to self-control on playing these things....
I just love the sounds the rocks make as they are self-assembling. The soundtrack is perfect too.
Hmmmm, not much exciting to report on here. I've been working alot trying to get things done for my professor who likes to remind me how easy it should be for me to finish my thesis, right after he gave me more work to perform for said thesis. I'm trying to stay focused and get it done, but I kinda shot myself in the foot recently (metaphorically of course) when I bought a new video game to play. I am definitely NOT good when it comes to self-control on playing these things....
sorry i haven't had any updates lately jilly. things are crazy around here! i'll try to get something up soon, but school has been kicking my butt lately....
ScottyB, at 05 September, 2006 08:45
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