Please Let Me Wonder

11 August 2006

Camera Trix

Videotaping yourself doing something and then reversing it isn't a very complex cinematographic art, but the video below called "Balancing Point" is really well done.

I just love the sounds the rocks make as they are self-assembling. The soundtrack is perfect too.

Hmmmm, not much exciting to report on here. I've been working alot trying to get things done for my professor who likes to remind me how easy it should be for me to finish my thesis, right after he gave me more work to perform for said thesis. I'm trying to stay focused and get it done, but I kinda shot myself in the foot recently (metaphorically of course) when I bought a new video game to play. I am definitely NOT good when it comes to self-control on playing these things....

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07 August 2006

Jury Duty

Pursuant to Iowa Code 607A, I have been randomly selected to appear as a juror. I was actually selected earlier this year while I was in Austria, but they deferred me. Now I get to fulfill my civic duty!

When the letter first came in the mail last week, I was bummed because it looked like I would be on call while I was supposed to be on vacation over Labor Day Weeked. But today I went over to the courthouse, and the kind woman in the Clerk of the Court office told me that they wouldn't need me until the week after Labor Day Weekend, and maybe not even then considering the previous holiday weekend. You gotta love the glacial pace of government action. Better still, she even said that if I was going to be on vacation they would defer me. Fortunately I will be able to serve.

I'm pretty psyched to participate, since I've never been on a jury before. Not that I want to spend hours in a courtroom listening to the details of some horrendous crime, but I'm quite curious about how our court system works. I will probably learn more than I want to know....

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